29. July 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

For the Crossing is a video poem for thecheesewolf (aka Gavin Jones)’s poem, the written version of which can be found at:



the video poem For the Crossing is copyright Gavin Jones 2013


29. July 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

Ariadne’s Ritual is a video poem for thecheesewolf (aka Gavin Jones)’s poem, first written for The Grassington Festival 2012. The written piece for this video poem can be found at:



this video poem is copyright Gavin Jones 2013


29. July 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

The Minotaur’s Freedom is a video poem by thecheesewolf (aka Gavin Jones) it was written for The Grassington Festival 2012. The written version of this video poem can be found at:


This video poem is copyright Gavin Jones 2013

22. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized


The Song of Ondine is a video poem by film maker Rowan Minnis to accompany the poem by thecheesewolf (aka Gavin Jones). The written series for this video poem can be found at:



poetry copyright Gavin Jones 2012
video poem copyright Rowan Minnis and Gavin Jones 2013

22. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized


Thesmophoria (Song of Autumn) is a video poem by film maker Josh Parker to accompany the poem by thecheesewolf (aka Gavin Jones). The written series for this video poem can be found at:



poetry copyright Gavin Jones 2012
video poem copyright Josh Parker and Gavin Jones 2013